Samantha López Clinton

Bioinformatics and genetics PhD student



El ADN Antiguo: Perspectivas Mundiales y Retos Actuales

Stephanie Dolenz, Samantha López Clinton, Peter D. Heintzman

Revista de Arqueología Mexicana, January-February vol. XXX(190), Editorial Raíces S.A. de C.V., 2025 , pp. 40-45

Microcosmos explorers: foldscope workshop for science outreach in Mexican schools

Samantha López Clinton

Biology Methods and Protocols, vol. 8, 2023 Nov, bpad035

In preparation/review

Parasite and microbiome comparisons between captive and wild primates

G Erkenswick, M Watsa, A Pomerantz, DJ Park, S Cave, A Schmitt, D Rudin, A Viñas-Martínez, M Paz-Mendoza, J Chen, Y Khadpekar, NW Pilfold, S López Clinton, M McElroy, J Brack, D Dainko, S Prost

(In prep)

A novel SNP panel for genotyping tamarins using field-friendly technologies and both high and low quality DNA

López Clinton S, Voyt R, Jensen A, Erkenswick G, Rogers J, Muthuswamy R, Guschanski K, Watsa M

(In prep)

Cheetah and tamarin SNP genotyping under field conditions using Nanopore technologies

Prost S, López Clinton S, Voyt R, Guschanski K, Watsa M

(In prep)

Madre de Dios botanical DNA barcode reference library

V Swamey, M Watsa, G Erkenswick, S López Clinton, D Coayla, M Paz Mendoza

(In prep)

Genotyping and relatedness analyses of 250 wild tamarin individuals from Southeastern Peru

Voyt R, López Clinton S, Jensen A, Erkenswick G, Rogers J, Muthuswamy R, Guschanski K, Watsa M

(In prep)

Chimerism detection in various tide types with SNP genotyping panel in two species of free-ranging tamarins

Voyt R, López Clinton S, Jensen A, Erkenswick G, Rogers J, Muthuswamy R, Guschanski K, Watsa M

(In prep)

In situ population genetics: A primer on Peruvian tamarins via ddRADSeq on a MinION sequencer

M Watsa, G Erkenswick, A Pomerantz, J Chen, Y Khadpekar, NW Pilfold, S López Clinton, A Viñas Martínez, D Rudin, M McElroy, A Schmitt, M Paz, J Brack, D Dainko, DJ Park, S Cave, S Prost

(In prep)

Decoding the Amazon in situ with Portable Sequencers

M Watsa, G Erkenswick, A Pomerantz, S Prost, DJ Park, S Cave, S López Clinton, D Rudin, A Schmitt, J Chen, A Viñas Martínez, M Paz Mendoza, L Linares Rosales, O Rodríguez Bravo, A Williams

(In prep)